Monday, 5 May 2014

The Acropolis Museum [Part II] - My Top 5 !

As I have already mentioned the New Acropolis Museum  is one of the reasons that I 'am proud to be Greek! Full of exhibits that will narrate to you the Athenian  history from 5th c. B.C to the 5th c. A.C.

My top 5 favourite exhibits are:

1. The monumental sculpture of the pediment of the Gigantomachy, the battle between the Gods and the Giants, attributed to Antenor, an important Athenian scupltor.

2. The Peplos Kore, a female statue named after the garment she wears, a type of peplos. It is possible that the statue does not represent a Kore, but the Goddess Artemis with arrows and a bow in her hands.

3. The Kritios Boy, a sculpture representing a different aspect in motion, plasticity and seriousness in facial expression than the other Korai and male statues.
4. The Caryatids, five of the six Korai that supported the ceiling of the porch of the Erechtheion.
5. the whole Parthenon Gallery, on the third floor of the museum. The theme of the frieze and the metopes is the Panathinaic  Procession, during the festivities of Goddess Athena's birthday.
Don't forget to visit the video area in the 3rd floor and watch the history of the building of the Parthenon and the history of the Temple of Athena Parthenos until modern times.

For more information visit:
Photos and information are taken from here

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